Middle School Volleyball practice will start on Wednesday, August 23 at 4:00 in the Legion. The parent meeting has been moved to Monday, August 28 at 6:00 due to the HS Volleyball game on Thursday.
over 1 year ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Parents and Community Members, Updated sports schedules can be found on the bottom of the web page under "athletic events." These will be updated daily as things change. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions please email me at riley.donovan@k12.sd.us
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Cross country practice will start tomorrow, August 14 at 6am. Practice will be at the golf course.
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Bennett County Schools would like to welcome you to the 2023-2024 School Year!! Open House on Tuesday August 15 from 5-7. Come meet the teachers and visit your classroom. A meal will be served at the Elementary cafeteria and the Middle/High School cafeteria. We can't wait to see you!!!!
over 1 year ago, Amie Kuxhaus
Open House
Reminder high school football practice is at 4:30pm today.
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Reminder that the fall sports meeting is tonight at 6pm at the football field. There will be food served right away at 6pm, and then the meeting to follow. We are excited to see everyone!!
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
There will be no open field football tonight for football.
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
The Fall Sports meeting will be August 1st at 6pm at the football field. This meeting is REQUIRED if students are playing fall sports. There will be extra packets to fill out if you have not yet. We are excited to see everyone!
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Parents and guardians of high school students, please read the following prior to the beginning of the school year. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Craig Courbron
High School
Reminder there is open field for football tonight. We will go from 7-8:30 because of the mosquitoes and heat!
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Athletic consent forms and physicals need to be filled out and turned in before first practices! These apply grades 6-12 for athletics. If you have any questions please email riley.donovan@k12.sd.us. https://www.sdhsaa.com/Forms/ATH-PhysicalExamsENG.pdf
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Open field for football will start this Sunday @ 7pm-9pm. All football players grades 6-12 are welcome to come! Dates for open field are July 16, 23, and 30.
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
The Summer Reading Program is at the Bennett County Library for the next two weeks! Come listen to stories, participate in some crafts, and enjoy our community Library! Click on the flyer for times!!
over 1 year ago, Amie Kuxhaus
Summer Reading Program
One of our goals in the elementary for summer school was to do community service projects. We want our businesses and community members to understand how much we appreciate them! Here are some of our students at the clinic and hospital. Thank you to the elementary teachers for making this happen!!
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Elementary Students
Elementary Students
There are a few openings. Let me know if you are interested!
over 1 year ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
stem camp
There will be NO NIGHT TIME LIFTING TIMES. With no one going we are going to shut down night lifting times. There will be a sheet listed as well saying that. Reminder that morning lifting is still going strong with around 25 student athletes!
almost 2 years ago, Riley Donovan
Reminder that summer lifting has started! There were almost 20 student athletes there this morning! All are welcome grades 7-12!
almost 2 years ago, Riley Donovan
Weight lifting starts on Monday, June 5. It will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. There will be four sessions. Morning sessions will be 6am-7am and 7am-8am. Night session will be 5:30pm-6:30pm and 6:30pm-7:30pm. Anyone going into grades 7-12 are welcome!! Sign up sheets will be given out for those who don't have one yet. Thank you and excited to see everyone there!!
almost 2 years ago, Riley Donovan
On to State!! Come send them off and wish Reagan and Rush best of luck at State Track! They will be leaving from the Stadium at 11:00 tomorrow, May 24.
almost 2 years ago, Amie Kuxhaus
Track news! Boys got Runner Up and girls are Region Champs.
almost 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
2023 Track