These students are building a strong structure this year in STEAM!
over 1 year ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Activities this week: Monday - MS VB @ Valentine 3:30pm MT Tuesday - VB @ Cody / Kilgore 5pm MS Football HAS BEEN MOVED TO Todd County. The game will start at 4:00pm MT. Wednesday - CC @ WPGS 10am Saturday - MS VB vs American Horse 11am
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a punt, pass, and kick after the parade tomorrow at the football field. It is ages 6-13. The Volleyball girls are also doing $1 face painting after the parade at the football field. Booster Club is selling cotton candy, pickles and water $1 during punt pass and kick! There will be a free will donation tailgate meal 4-5:30pm at the field burgers, hot dogs, chips, cookie and water.
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
The Middle School teachers showed unity with pajamas. They were comfortable!
over 1 year ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
MS staff
8th Graders working on their float for homecoming!
over 1 year ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
float workers
Correction: The volleyball match tonight at Crazy Horse will only be varsity. No JV or C game.
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Middle School Students go to the Library to READ!!!
over 1 year ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Activities this week: Monday: MS VB @ St. Francis 3:30pm MT MS FB @ Winner 4:00pm MT CC @ White River 10:00am MT Tuesday: VB @ Crazy Horse 6:00pm There will be no volleyball game against Oelrichs on Thursday. There was a scheduling conflict, and it will be played later on in the season. Friday: FB vs. New Underwood 6:00pm Saturday: BC MS Football Jamboree MS VB @ Gordon 10:00am VB @ Lyman 1:00pm MT C, JV, Varsity
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Homecoming Kickoff!
over 1 year ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Below are some pictures from Mr. Cotten's high school automotive class and middle school wood shop class.
over 1 year ago, Craig Courbron
Automotive Class
Automotive Class
Automotive Class
Woodshop Class
Due to the pep rally, the C game will start at 4:45.
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
There will be a C game for Volleyball this Thursday against Lakota Tech. 4:30 start time for the C game followed by JV / Varsity.
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Please plan to join us for high school parent-teacher conferences on September 21, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Craig Courbron
Activities this week: Tuesday: MS FB vs. Philip 4pm Thursday: VB vs Lakota Tech 5:30pm (Possible C game at 4:30) Friday: Home CC meet @ 9am FB @ Gregory 5:30pm MT Saturday: MS FB @ Kadoka 9am VB @ Philip Invitational 9am A friendly reminder to check the website activities calendar for changes. Any immediate changes will be posted right away to the live feed / facebook.
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Family Engagement Meeting tonight, Aug. 29 at 5:00 in the High School Study Hall. It will be a short meeting to go over our calendar of events, share some new parent communication tools, and information about the Title I programs in our schools. Come to the meeting and then go to the Volleyball game to cheer on our Lady Warriors at 5:30!!
over 1 year ago, Amie Kuxhaus
Family Engagement
Activity Events This Week: Tuesday: CC @ Lead - Deadwood 10am VB vs. New Underwood 5:30pm Friday: MS FB @ Allen 10am FB vs. Philip 7pm GO WARRIORS!
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
The football game at White River tonight is at 5:30 mountain time. Here is the link
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
UPDATE: The middle school football tournament for this weekend has been moved to next Friday. Time is to be determined.
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Please see the following for the change in time for this weekends Volleyball Triangular at Stanley County. APPROXIMATE GAME SCHEDULE (All times in Central Time – we will use a rolling schedule as matches allow!) 2:00 PM Stanley County vs Wall 3:30 PM Wall vs Bennett County 5:00 PM Stanley County vs Bennett County
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan
Activities this week: Monday: JV Football vs. Wall 6pm Thursday: VB vs Valentine 4:30pm (C,JV,V) Friday: FB @ White River 5:30pm MT Saturday: MS Football @ Allen 10am VB @ Stanley County Tri 2:30 pm MT
over 1 year ago, Riley Donovan