These students are building a strong structure this year in STEAM!

Activities this week:
Monday - MS VB @ Valentine 3:30pm MT
Tuesday - VB @ Cody / Kilgore 5pm
MS Football HAS BEEN MOVED TO Todd County. The game will start at 4:00pm MT.
Wednesday - CC @ WPGS 10am
Saturday - MS VB vs American Horse 11am

The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a punt, pass, and kick after the parade tomorrow at the football field. It is ages 6-13.
The Volleyball girls are also doing $1 face painting after the parade at the football field.
Booster Club is selling cotton candy, pickles and water $1 during punt pass and kick!
There will be a free will donation tailgate meal 4-5:30pm at the field burgers, hot dogs, chips, cookie and water.

The Middle School teachers showed unity with pajamas. They were comfortable!

8th Graders working on their float for homecoming!

Correction: The volleyball match tonight at Crazy Horse will only be varsity. No JV or C game.

Middle School Students go to the Library to READ!!!

Activities this week:
Monday: MS VB @ St. Francis 3:30pm MT
MS FB @ Winner 4:00pm MT
CC @ White River 10:00am MT
Tuesday: VB @ Crazy Horse 6:00pm
There will be no volleyball game against Oelrichs on Thursday. There was a scheduling conflict, and it will be played later on in the season.
Friday: FB vs. New Underwood 6:00pm
Saturday: BC MS Football Jamboree
MS VB @ Gordon 10:00am
VB @ Lyman 1:00pm MT C, JV, Varsity

Homecoming Kickoff!

Below are some pictures from Mr. Cotten's high school automotive class and middle school wood shop class.

Due to the pep rally, the C game will start at 4:45.

There will be a C game for Volleyball this Thursday against Lakota Tech. 4:30 start time for the C game followed by JV / Varsity.

Please plan to join us for high school parent-teacher conferences on September 21, 2023.

Activities this week:
Tuesday: MS FB vs. Philip 4pm
Thursday: VB vs Lakota Tech 5:30pm (Possible C game at 4:30)
Friday: Home CC meet @ 9am
FB @ Gregory 5:30pm MT
Saturday: MS FB @ Kadoka 9am
VB @ Philip Invitational 9am
A friendly reminder to check the website activities calendar for changes. Any immediate changes will be posted right away to the live feed / facebook.

Family Engagement Meeting tonight, Aug. 29 at 5:00 in the High School Study Hall. It will be a short meeting to go over our calendar of events, share some new parent communication tools, and information about the Title I programs in our schools. Come to the meeting and then go to the Volleyball game to cheer on our Lady Warriors at 5:30!!

Activity Events This Week:
Tuesday: CC @ Lead - Deadwood 10am
VB vs. New Underwood 5:30pm
Friday: MS FB @ Allen 10am
FB vs. Philip 7pm

The football game at White River tonight is at 5:30 mountain time. Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xmC54sPdpc

The middle school football tournament for this weekend has been moved to next Friday. Time is to be determined.

Please see the following for the change in time for this weekends Volleyball Triangular at Stanley County.
APPROXIMATE GAME SCHEDULE (All times in Central Time – we will use a rolling schedule as matches allow!)
2:00 PM Stanley County vs Wall
3:30 PM Wall vs Bennett County
5:00 PM Stanley County vs Bennett County

Activities this week:
Monday: JV Football vs. Wall 6pm
Thursday: VB vs Valentine 4:30pm (C,JV,V)
Friday: FB @ White River 5:30pm MT
Saturday: MS Football @ Allen 10am
VB @ Stanley County Tri 2:30 pm MT