BC Mental Health Committee looking for community members.
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
BC Mental Health Committee
Impact Aid Meeting will be on Monday, November 14, 2022 at 5:00 in the Library Community Room. Link to agenda: https://5il.co/1ke3b
over 2 years ago, Amie Kuxhaus
Impact Aid Meeting
Reminder: Picture Retakes are tomorrow, Nov. 3, 2022!
over 2 years ago, Amie Kuxhaus
Flu shots will be available to students on Monday, November 3rd. Parent consent forms need to be filled out before they can get the Flu vaccine. Forms are available at Martin Grade School, Bennett County Middle School, and Bennett County High School office.
over 2 years ago, Amie Kuxhaus
Travel with the Lady Warriors and the head to Pine Ridge November 1st to take on the Pine Ridge Lady Thorpes in a the first first round of Region 7A Volleyball.
over 2 years ago, Athletics
VB Regions
Art and Dance will be cancelled for Wednesday and Thursday. This was also the last week of them, so there will be no more dance or art for the rest of the semester. We are looking into having them back in the spring time.
over 2 years ago, Riley Donovan
High School Family Fun Night is tonight at 6:00!! Come join the spooky fun as Mrs. Fanning challenges you in Haunted Cupcake Wars. Mrs. Larson will lead the Punch & Paint as she guides you through a Halloween painting masterpiece. Taco bar starting at 6:00 at the HS Warrior Commons
over 2 years ago, Amie Kuxhaus
HS Family Fun Night
Here is what is happening this week for Red Ribbon Week! Tik Tok submissions are due by Wednesday and can be submitted via the QR code on the flyer, and here is a link too, https://photos.app.goo.gl/RoyXd8kmjyAGyA7E8.
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Red Ribbon Week
Dress Up Days
The date for the Winter Sports Rally has been set for November 7th at 5 PM. The night will begin with a meal followed by Winter Sports Parents Meetings and the night will end with the first annual Staff/Coaches vs Students Basketball Game. Stay tuned for updates on staff participants. Click on the following link to Register to Play if you are a student or contact Mr. Toczek, limited to 9th through 12th grade students. https://forms.gle/B9P2j2JWU7ZT7qAy5
over 2 years ago, Athletics
Winter Sports Rally
BCSD will have an Indian Education Grant Meeting on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022 at 6:00 pm in the HS Study Hall room. Items that we will be discussing will include the grant by-laws and school programs. Interested BCSD families are invited to attend.
over 2 years ago, Amie Kuxhaus
Our MS Sports officially kick off next week with MS GBB competing in the Philip Tournament on Saturday the 29th. Only 3 days left to get your gear ordered in our first Winter online apparel stores. The next store won't open until November 3rd. BC Online Sports Apparel: https://bennettcountysd.sites.thrillshare.com/page/online-apparel GBB Online Sports Apparel: https://https-sungoldsports-com.printavo.com/merch/bennet-county-girls-basketball Wrestling Online Sports Apparel: https://https-sungoldsports-com.printavo.com/merch/bennett-county-wrestling
over 2 years ago, Athletics
MS GBB Philip Tourney
MS GBB Schedule
MS WR Schedule
The Middle School will be showing off what we have been doing so far. Come in for Chili and to walk around and check it out!
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Middle School Showcast
Congratulaitons again to Tyce Gropper for earning his way to compete at the State Cross Country Championships in Class A on Saturday, October 22nd 2022. If you would like more information about the State Cross Country meet please visit our Fall Sports Athletics site. https://www.bennettco.k12.sd.us/page/fall-sports
over 2 years ago, Athletics
Tyce 22 CC
State CC Information
We have a State Bound runner! Tyce Gropper punched his ticket to State A Cross Country finishing unofficially 12th place at the 5A Region Cross Country Meet. Wyatt and Rosa narrowly missed the mark finishing 29th and 37th. WARRIOR PRIDE!
over 2 years ago, Athletics
5A Region CC Results
It's Play Offs Time for Flag Football. Brave the wind and watch these kids compete.
over 2 years ago, Athletics
Flag Football
Come Watch some Flag Football Play Offs Tomorrow and see who gets crowned 2022 Champions
over 2 years ago, Athletics
Flag Football
UPDATE! GAME LOCATION CHANGE! Hello everyone, we had to do a last-minute switch to the MS FB game scheduled for today. St. Francis was unable to play us today. We were able to find another opponent and give our MS FB team one last game before their season ends. The MS FB team will travel to Pine Ridge to play their MS FB team with Kick Off at 4:30 PM Mt today.
over 2 years ago, Athletics
Warrior FB
Tonight is the last regular season day for Flag Football - Starting at 4 PM.
over 2 years ago, Athletics
Flag Football
Flag Football Schedule for 10/11/22
over 2 years ago, Athletics
Flag Football
There will be no dance class tomorrow after school.
over 2 years ago, Riley Donovan