There will no school tomorrow, December 13. The girls basketball game against Colome will be rescheduled. Stay home, stay warm.
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Due to the pending storm, the Middle School Girls Basketball game scheduled today for Todd County has been cancelled.
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Reminder Little Warriors Girls Basketball in the AC gym at 3:30pm today. There will be A, B, and C games. The games tomorrow have been moved to the Legion. It will still be at 11am with three games.
over 2 years ago, Riley Donovan
No Middle School Girls Basketball Practice today, December 8.
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
There will be no Little Warriors Basketball tonight. Games are still on for tomorrow.
over 2 years ago, Riley Donovan
Reminder: We have school tomorrow, Friday December 9!! There is a 2:30 dismissal.
over 2 years ago, Amie Kuxhaus
Thank you to all who helped make the Elementary Holiday Concert a huge success!
over 2 years ago, Riley Donovan
Winter Holiday Concerts
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Holiday Concerts
Bennett County Middle School Winter Semi-Formal Dance December 9th from 7pm to 9pm Bennett County Middle School Gym $2 per person - snacks and beverages will be provided BCMS Students Only Sponsored by the BCMS Student Council
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Candy Grams are on sale at all three schools until December 8.
over 2 years ago, Craig Courbron
Candy Grams
The Bennett County School Board has graciously extended the Thanksgiving Holiday Break by approving that we have "No School" on Wednesday, November 23rd. Wishing you all a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving Break from the Bennett County School District.
over 2 years ago, Patrick Frederick
Reminder: MGS Fall Family Fun Tonight. Supper at 5:30 and then Crafts and games! Hope to see you there.
over 2 years ago, Amie Kuxhaus
Two hour late start today, November 17.
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Reminder that there will be no little warriors basketball tomorrow due to the family fun night.
over 2 years ago, Riley Donovan
The Middle School Girls basketball game scheduled for tonight, November 15 has been postponed to another date. Stay tuned for further details.
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Ellen McDonnell and Sophia May performed at the 65th Annual Augustana Band Festival this past weekend at the Washington Pavillion in Sioux Falls. They played in the Blue Band, with guest director Dr. Justin Hubbard from Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado. Songs they preformed were Amparito Roca, Blue and Green Music, Infinity and Foundry.
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
Augustna Band Festival
Ellen and Sophia
No school today, Thursday November 10 due to icy conditions. The Veteran’s program will be moved to next Wednesday. Also the MS girls basketball game scheduled for today is cancelled.
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
2 hour late start tomorrow, Thursday, November 10.
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan
No Middle School Girls Basketball or Middle School Wrestling today, Wednesday November 9.
over 2 years ago, Mikaela O'Bryan