Boys Basketball Game today is at 4 PM in Kyle vs the Little Wound Mustangs. 2 Fans per participant this includes managers and coaches. When you arrive please let ticket takers know which player you are here to watch. Live Stream:
about 3 years ago, Athletics
Today's events: Girls Basketball travels to Oelrichs for a Varsity only game starting at 4:30 PM. Livestream is MS Boys Basketball hosts the Kadoka Kougars at 4 PM in the Legion. Boys Basketball Hosts the Todd County Falcons at 5:30 PM at the Warrior Center. Livestream is
about 3 years ago, Athletics
Two weeks left of busy facilities here at Bennett County.
about 3 years ago, Athletics
WWS 2-14 to 2-19
Girls Basketball Update: Monday when the girls travel to Oelrichs they will only be playing a Varsity game. The game will also start at 4:30 PM.
about 3 years ago, Athletics
GBB Parents Night is tonight and will take place between the JV and Varsity games. Approximate time will be 6:00pm
about 3 years ago, Nick Redden
PeeWee Basketball was such a success last night with over 30 young Warriors we decided to change it up a bit for next week. Next week Pre-K, TK, K, and 1st grade will go from 5:30 to 6:15 PM. 2nd through 3rd Grade will go from 6 PM to 7 PM. If you couldn't make it last night not a problem, show up Wednesday the 16th.
about 3 years ago, Athletics
PeeWee Basketball Nights
PeeWee Basketball Nights
PeeWee Basketball Nights
PeeWee Basketball Nights
The Middle School Boys Tournament will take place this Saturday, February 12th starting at 9 AM. All games will be held at the Warrior Center. The games will go on a rolling schedule after the 1st game. A teams will play on one court and B teams will play on the other.
about 3 years ago, Athletics
22 MSBBB Tourney
January Winter Workouts Warrior of the Month - Harley Harris
about 3 years ago, Athletics
Winter Workouts Warrior of the Month January
YEEHAW!! Come cheer on the Lady Warriors in a full night of basketball starting at 4 PM as they take on the Cody/Kilgore Cowgirls and Hot Springs Bison in a full night of basketball. C Team Tip Off vs the Bison begins at 4 PM with 4 quarters of action JV Tip Off vs the Bison begins approximately at 5:30 with 3 quarters of action V vs Cody/Kilgore will finish the night off approximately around 7 PM It's also parents night and the games will be streamed at
about 3 years ago, Athletics
Cody/Kilgore Theme
There have been a few menu changes this month. Look on the website for the most current menu items!!
about 3 years ago, Amie Kuxhaus
Warrior Speed Camp starts in March for 4th and 5th grade students. Contact Mr. Toczek or Mr. Mazour for details.
about 3 years ago, Athletics
Speed Camp
2022's 1st PeeWee Warrior Basketball Night will be Wednesday at 6 PM in the Legion. Open to all PreSchool to 3rd Grade Bennett County Students. Parents should be present.
about 3 years ago, Athletics
PeeWee Basketball Nights
Update: Tomorrows Wrestling Triangular will be parents night
about 3 years ago, Athletics
Update: Boys Basketball vs Crazy Horse 5:30pm start time. There is a 2 fan per player limit that includes cheerleaders, and coaches. All are able to bring 2 individuals. Masks are required to be worn inside the building for spectators.
about 3 years ago, Athletics
HS BBB VS BENNETT CO 2/7/22 The Tigers will play vs Bennett County today in White River, JV game will start at 6:30 pm (central) followed by the varsity game. Indoor event protocols: *Open attendance, masks highly recommended *There will be concessions Tiger TV livestream link:
about 3 years ago, Athletics
The BSCD Board of Education updated the close contacts guidelines on the Return to School/Continuity plan that is located on our website. The close contact updates are on page 3-- item #3. If you have any questions, please contact your child's building. Also, parents, please continue to monitor your child for illness. If they are experiencing any symptoms, please do not send them to school. Thanks for your assistance as we continue to deal with the challenges of the pandemic.
about 3 years ago, Stacy Halverson
We have a crazy busy week in sports starting Monday with GBB, MS BBB, and BBB all having games.
about 3 years ago, Athletics
WWS - 2/7 to 2/13
Girls Basketball is leaving StFrancis now.
about 3 years ago, Nick Redden
BC High School will have Friday School tomorrow for all students. Please come through the front doors. Hope to see you there!
about 3 years ago, Nick Redden
UPDATE: GBB @ St. Francis St. Francis School- COVID-19 related policies - face masks on anyone not playing in the game including spectators. - 2 spectator limit per player, manager, and coach (GBB team will be given tickets that must be presented at the door. - All spectators must present proof of COVID-19 Vaccination in order to enter the building - Players do not have to provide proof of Vaccination If you have any concerns regarding this game please contact Coach Waln
about 3 years ago, Athletics