Reminder: Junior Parent meeting tonight at 6:30 in Mrs. Smokov's classroom.

BCHS will be having Friday School tomorrow with Mr. Frisching. Please come through the Commons Area Doors. It will be from 8:00-12:00.
Hope to see you there!

Attention track parents!
Meeting tonight, March 17, at 6:00 pm.
In the High School study hall room.

There will be a Junior class parent meeting Monday, March 21st at 6:30 in Mrs. Smokov's classroom. We will be finalizing the Prom meal. If you are unable to attend please let Mandi Smokov know.

Reminder: Tonight is the last scheduled night of PeeWee Warriors Basketball for the month of March. It will be at the Legion on Main Street at 5:30 PM.

There will be NO Speed Camp today after school

World news can cause a lot of stress and uncertainty for our youth. With the invasion of Ukraine by Russia there has been a lot to weigh on the hearts and minds of families around the world. Our children may be confused, anxious, or fearful, and many parents are wondering what to do to ease their fears.
Join us for a discussion on how to talk to your child as the world navigates these challenges and crises. We need to have a blueprint for how to reassure our children while also allowing them to ask questions and be informed.
Join Dr. Celeste Beesley and Dr. Kevin Skinner as they open dialog, share their expertise and answer parents' questions.
Call or email the school for information on how to register.

Please join us tomorrow for our annual Mr.BCHS pageant. Supper starts at 6 we will be serving tacos, with the pageant to follow at 7:00. $5.00 admission. Come support the BCHS Student Council and enjoy some entertainment watching 6 Senior Boys compete for the title of Mr. BCHS.

Friday Nights Performance of The Little Red School House. Great Job to the cast and to Mrs. Becker. One more showing tonight at 7pm.

Don't forget to come to the Middle School March Madness Night, tonight, March 10. Supper served at 5:30 and showcase from 6:00-7:00!

BCHS will have Friday school this week 8:00-12:00 with Mrs. Larson. Hope to see you there.

Reminder: Tonight there is PeeWee basketball at the AC.

Congratulations to Deryck Two Bulls and Stefonna Salomon for their 3rd Team All-Conference Honors.

BCSD will host an Indian Education Grant parent meeting on Wednesday, March 9th at 6:30 in the HS study hall. Current programs will be discussed as will recommendations for future programs. All BCSD parents are invited to attend.

Bennett County Government Class with Representative May and Senator Foster

Update: Warriors lose a hard fought game to the Falcons 60 to 52.

Boys Basketball Update: Todd County is up by 7 at half time 29 to 22.

With the quarter ending this Thursday, it is very important that students who may be behind use every opportunity we have to get caught up on home work. The high school has teachers who stay every night until 4:30 and on Tuesday / Thursday until 5:30. Please call the high school if you have any questions.

Reminder: Tomorrows PeeWee Basketball is 2nd and 3rd grade only and will be at the activity center instead of the legion.

Reminder, tomorrow will be the first day of Warrior Speed Camp. No sign up is needed just report to the AC directly after school tomorrow. Coaches will mark who is present.