Tyce Gropper - 11:01.56 unofficial

Corrected: Black Hills Classic Track Meet Sheet

BC Golfers has some success at Philip JV/MS meet yesterday. Aubrey Peil 5th place in JH Girls Division, Megan Begeman 3rd in JV Girls

Middle School had another great day of track in Wall yesterday Tuesday April 26th.

The remainder of the year in sports for the Warriors

Here are updated results from the BC Middle School Track Meet from April 21st

Our BC rodeo athletes had some success this weekend. See images

UPDATE: After seeing the weather we got this weekend and looking at the weather forecast for tomorrow, the West River Invite has been postponed until Monday May 2nd.

Thursday's BC Athletes MS Results

Great day of track at Wall today. Our kids had 13 PRs and 3 places.

Great MS Track meet today, 12 schools over 300 athletes and some phenomenal performances by all and especially our BC Athletes.
Huge thank you to the community and students who helped us put on this wonderful event.
Mr. Toczek will get results posted by Monday.

Middle School Science Fair - Monday, April 25 in the legion auditorium. Students will present to the public from 2:30-3:30. Then there will be an open house from 5:30-6:30.

Reminder the MS track meet scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday April 21st, will start at 10 AM Mt.

Hello, Sioux Falls Schools will be hosting the State Track Meet on Thursday, May 26, Friday, May 27 and Saturday, May 28, 2022. It is mandatory to provide one worker per school for the State Track Meet.
If you are interested in representing Bennett County as a worker please contact the High School Office or email AD DJ Toczek at delmar.toczek@k12.sd.us

Track O Rama BC Athlete Meet Schedule - O'Harra Stadium at the School of Mines in Rapid City, SD
Athlete schedule can always change

The winners of the Science Club Easter Basket Raffle were Tae Heathershaw and Abby Saxton. Thank you all for your support.

I would like to thank all of the presenters that made BC Employer Day a great success. Thank you for your support!

Due to current course conditions and a recent water line break, BOTH Wall golf meets (April 19th & 23rd) have be POSTPONED until a later date.

CORRECTION: The High School Track Meet in Belle Fourche schedule for Thursday April 14th has been rescheduled for Tuesday April 19th at 9 am in Rapid City, SD.

Our Youth, Our Future Survey To Be Conducted at
Bennett County High School
On April 13th, students in 9th-12th grades will begin participating in the Our Youth, Our Future survey in cooperation with the Tri-Ethnic Center for Prevention Research at Colorado State University. The funding for the administration of the survey comes from a federal grant awarded to the Tri-Ethnic Center, which allows the survey to be conducted at no cost to the school. Participation in this survey is voluntary. Parents who wish to withdraw their child from participating may do so by contacting Principal Redden, at 605-685-6330 or Nick.Redden@k12.sd.us. In addition, a copy of the survey is available from the school office for parents who would like to review it. Bennett County High School believes that students’ participation in this survey will assist the school in planning, funding and evaluating drug and alcohol prevention programs.