Football is right around the corner. We will be kicking the season off with our Youth Football Camps. Bennett County Youth Football Camp is led by the BCHS football coaching staff and HS Athletes. Our camp is a, non-contact, 2-day football camp broken into 2-hour sessions for each division. The camp is an individual skill camp focusing on fundamentals necessary for all age levels.
6th thru 8th Grade - July 30th & 31st - 6 to 8 PM
3rd thru 5th Grade - August 6th & 13th - 9 to 11 AM

OPPORTUNITY: We have a great opportunity for Parents and Students. The Bennett County Hospital and Rural Health Clinic is partnering with the Bennett County Athletic Department to offer physicals to all Bennett County MS and HS students at the activity center on July 18th and 19th from 3 to 7 pm at the Activity Center. If you already have received your physical you can show up and turn it in on these days as well.

3 Warriors have put in 4 weeks of Work and the gains are real!

Fitness Center and Open Gym will still be at 5pm

Isabel Risse is on her way to Nationals! As she has officially qualified in Goat Tying with her performannces at the State Rodeo finals!

Bennett County High School Rodeo Team will represent well going into the short-go. Jade Byrne and his team roping partner Dalton Porch return to the short-go. Isabel Risse is going in currently in 5th place. Ty Allen returns to the short go in bull riding. Tyler Graff returns in bareback. And Bodey Waln returns in steer Wrestling.

Rodeo, spelling corrections.

Congratulations to our Bennett County Warrior Rodeo team qualifying 8 different student athletes to state. Good Luck this weekend!

Congratulations to our Bennett County Warrior Rodeo team qualifying 8 different student athletes to state. Good Luck this weekend!

Jager Competes at State Golf
Sunday, June 5, we were set to travel to Rapid City to prepare for the State B Golf Meet the following day. We had many supporters along with the Martin City Police and Martin Volunteer Fire Department escorting the team out of town. What a great experience for the two girls to see we have a village of wonderful people behind us.
Monday morning, day one of the tournament, started with a setback. Megan Begeman, set to tee off at 10:20am that day, was unable to compete due to unforeseen illness and was forced to withdraw from the tournament. Regardless of the unfortunate events that happened, Megan had a great golf season and was more than deserving to compete at the state tournament.
Grace Jager teed off at 10:50am for Day 1 at the Hart Ranch Golf Course. The fast greens of Hart Ranch presented challenges for Grace on the back 9. However, she was able to gain momentum on the front 9 until a lightning delay suspended play for an hour. She ended up finishing the day with 125.
Day 2 presented similar challenges, mostly weather related. Consistent rainfall stuck with the golfers a majority of the day causing higher scores from everyone. Grace had five holes left when lightning caused a suspension of play. Two hours later, golfers were expected to go out in the cold, pouring rain and finish their holes before the next big cell hit. As a coach, it was tough to expect anyone to go back out in these conditions but Grace is a tough kid and was willing to take on the challenge. In her last five holes in her high school golf career, Grace was able to display a couple powerful drives, exceptional chips, and a few of her famous "trick" shots. She finished the round with a 128.
We say goodbye to three exceptional seniors this year: Grace Jager, Lili Fox, and Katelyn Vocu. We will miss them next year. Ladies, it has been a pleasure coaching all of you!
I wanted to send out a huge thank you to Mike Olson for all of your help this season, to the school cooks and custodians for your assistance with our home meets, and to all the parents for your support this year. We have a large, young team with a very promising future and I hope to continue building this program.
Just a reminder there will be Middle School-High School Golf League Monday nights at 5pm throughout the summer. Thank you for all your support. Go Warriors!

First reminder to get your physicals: Cheer Starts August 1st, FB August 4th, VB August 11th and CC August 11th.

Summer workouts are right around the corner. The fitness center is open 5 to 6 pm Monday through Thursday for all 6th through 12th grade BC students. Unless it is a MS or HS Girls Basketball League everything is open to all 6th through 12th grade BC students. Please contact individual sports coaches if you have a questions about a certain night.

Summer workouts are right around the corner. The fitness center is open 5 to 6 pm Monday through Thursday for all 6th through 12th grade BC students. Unless it is a MS or HS Girls Basketball League everything is open to all 6th through 12th grade BC students. Please contact individual sports coaches if you have a questions about a certain night.

Eagle Qualifier - 3200M Champion- Tyce Gropper

Today's Track Entries for the Eagle Qualifier in Wall

The WGPC track meet went great today. Approximately 245 athletes between MS and HS competed today. Our BC kids did amazing!
Thank You to our great community for all the volunteers and support.
Results can be found at the following:

BCHS Graduation will be at 11:00am at the Warrior Gym, Saturday May 14th. We are asking everyone to be respectful of elderly and sensory sensitive individuals by not bringing noise makers and air horns. Thank you

BCHS will have Friday school from 8:00 - 12:00 with Mr. Firsching. Hope to see you there.

Tomorrow is the Western Great Plains Conference Track meet which will be here at the Warrior Football & Track Complex. Come watch our BC Athletes compete.

Wall JV/MS Invite
Aubrey Peil 3rd place Girls JV
Kierra Noel 2nd place Girls Middle School