Come get a Potato from you BC Booster Club this Thursday.

Our Youth, Our Future Survey to Be Conducted at Bennett County Middle School
On October 10th, students in 6th-8th grades will begin participating in the Our Youth, Our Future survey in cooperation with the Tri-Ethnic Center for Prevention Research at Colorado State University. The funding for the administration of the survey comes from a federal grant awarded to the Tri-Ethnic Center, which allows the survey to be conducted at no cost to the school. Participation in this survey is voluntary, anonymous, and confidential.
Parents who wish to withdraw their child from participating may do so by contacting Principal Mikaela O’Bryan at 605-685-1338 or Mikaela.obryan@k12.sd.us . In addition, a copy of the survey is available from the school office for parents who would like to review it. Bennett County Middle School believes that students’ participation in this survey will assist the school in planning, funding and evaluating drug and alcohol prevention programs.

With the amount of kids after school for art, we will be having it in the AC. Dance will stay in the small gym. Again, there will be no transportation provided. Please have that set up before hand.

Warrior Week In Sports

Reminder that our after school programs start this week. They will run from 4pm-4:45pm in the small gym. There will be no transportation provided, so please have that set up before hand.
Art Class is on Wednesday's.
Dance is on Monday's and Thursday's.

Parent Involvement and Engagement Meeting tonight at 6:00 in Miss Amie's office, upstairs in the AC. Events for the year and also current programs we are working on will be shared. Please come to provide suggestions and ideas to improve our school and our district!

Parent/Teacher Conferences TODAY!! 2-8
Elementary has parents scheduled at specific times, Middle School and High School does not have a schedule. Come when you are able.
See you tonight!

Crazy Horse has had an influx of VB players so we will be playing a JV and V game tomorrow starting at 6 PM Mt.

Warrior Week in Sports

TIME CHANGE, Crazy Horse only has enough for a Varsity game. We will be moving the game back to 6:00 PM Mt on 9-13-2022.

UPDATE - St. Francis doesn't have enough for a C game for our MS VB game tomorrow so we will have an MS VB C game scrimmage amongst our own players starting at 4:30 PM Mt with the B game vs St. Francis starting at 5 PM Mt.

At this time Fitness Center will be closed during these times for Weight training and PE classes.
*Please all music played over the speakers should be appropriate for all fitness center users.

Attention VB Fans - with the Ordinance going into affect on the Pine Ridge Reservation Thursday's VB game vs Lakota Tech at Lakota Tech. Lakota tech is encouraging mask be worn in the building by fans and coaches. Game time is set for 5:30 PM Mt with only a JV and V game. Please stay tuned for any further changes. I am sorry for the late changes and modifications. Live Stream is : http://tatanka.live/volleyball/ GO WARRIORS!

Reminder tomorrow is our Home Cross Country Meet. The BC Booster Club will be serving concessions tomorrow. The day starts at 9 AM with the Varsity Girls followed by the Varsity boys, JV Girls, JV Boys, MS Girls, MS Boys, and an Elementary divison.
Currently we have 12 HS schools coming to the meet and 5 MS attending.

Attention VB Fans - with the Ordinance going into affect on the Pine Ridge Reservation Thursday's VB game vs Lakota Tech at Lakota Tech. Lakota tech is encouraging mask be worn in the building by fans and coaches.
Game time is set for 5:30 PM Mt with a C, JV, and V game. Please stay tuned for any further changes. I am sorry for the late changes and modifications.
Live Stream is : http://tatanka.live/volleyball/

Reminder tomorrow is our Home Cross Country Meet. The BC Booster Club will be serving concessions tomorrow. The day starts at 9 AM with the Varsity Girls followed by the Varsity boys, JV Girls, JV Boys, MS Girls, MS Boys, and an Elementary divison.

3 to 5 year old Development Screening, Bennett County School District
The Bennett County School District will be hosting 3 to 5 year old Development Screening at the Martin Grade School Little Gym, scheduled from 1:00-3:30 on September 14th, 2022 . This is a free service to the families living in Bennett County. Areas to be screened include: motor, communication, concepts, and hearing. Screening of young children will let parents know whether their child is developing within normal range. If delays exist, it is crucial to provide intervention at the earliest possible age.
To schedule an appointment for your child to come to the screening, please call Martin Grade School at 685-6717 or Stacy Allen at 685-1151. Walk-ins will be screened if time allows.

The VB game scheduled for today in Little Wound has been postponed until October 24th.

Flag Football starts this weekend. Flag football is open to all 3rd through 5th grade BC students.

Warrior Week In Sports - 9/6 to 9/10